วันจันทร์ที่ 4 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Abandonment of old beliefs

More than 75 years, discovered by Dr. William Bates, eyeglass frames profoundly affect our eyes, and not necessarily in a good way. The eyes, of course, are also very active ... They are the dynamic muscular contraction and relaxation for all the time, the market is the result of the good, the brain seems to be in tune with what we see and emotional responses to visual stimuli are appropriate and will be dynamic as well.

They seem to run a pair of glasses and eyesmatt very quickly. To do behind the lens, eyes not too much more work to bend - the slower the light for them and to make the image ... to weaken, at least for some time before the eyes and the dependence of the lenses, and the next, is stronger than prescribed. And so on and so on ... until a very strong person or two glasses prescription bifocal lenses, or just looking around for laser surgery as a fix costly, but "fast" toto experience problems.

The Natural Vision Improvement, we use a completely natural and holistic approach to the correction of vision weakened, and because the eye and all its parts are active and aggressive. This requires the removal of these goals, the first, when the view is rather weak for a short period of time each day and in certain situations. Slowly, slowly, you get coax the eye actively looking - for the image with their efforts to learn how to focus quickly and move onfocus and new. We encourage your eyes to the sun and calm them deep into the dark many times a day.

And slowly, or sometimes even very fast, with sensitive eyes. Our brain receives input from the optic nerve and responds differently to visual images, which resulted from their eyes not correct. You start to feel emotionally better, or at least alive and fast ... emotion and spectacle, as they respond eyes the expression of more and better.

Natural VisionImprovement is not a solution "fast" ... rather, it is an internal study of subjective vision, a rich harvest in the form of not being able to get to see more clearly without the lenses, as we were shown, of course. Since NVI is a natural approach, it takes some time and effort. It can not be measured "scientifically supported" and with many statistics and studies. However, there is no doubt ... And the results, so we educators around the visionWorld of work every day, people improve their vision and to show their eyes healthy and actively involved in the process of vision.

Ask yourself the following questions:
1. If not around me in a natural vision improvement program for 8 weeks, which probably happened to my eyes now? My vision will remain the same, better or worse? What is likely, based on what I know from my own experience and that of others?
2. What is possible if Ispend 8 weeks in a program to improve vision? What are the possible advantages for long-term understanding of my views, challenging and with the procedures and practices that have used the other to improve and strengthen their vision?
3. What is possible? If the rest of my body has the ability to heal when you are ill or injured, it is reasonable and logical to expect that can cure my eyes when I learn how to cultivate them?
4. My eyesight is precious ... at least as important as the health of teethSkin, hair? Worth some effort on my part to learn about eye health and vision clear?
5. Might be helpful to let me go to an old belief that my eyes are really the situation? Is this idea worth a visit?

Please contact me via e-mail or by phone through enrollment in 8 weeks of learning, whether through a group situation or individually. To see the joy and the opportunity to be much more than that is worth while 'of time. My contactThe information will be listed here. I am pleased with you, walk towards the improvement of vision.

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