วันเสาร์ที่ 26 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Tech Savvy Gifts for Seniors

There is always a reason to give a nice gift. If you have a top or two on your shopping list, as something different this year? Instead of another field of imagination or shaving cream to give a gift for the tech savvy older people today.

A web-cam means happy Grandchildren

Give the gift of grandparents and audio-visual interaction with their children and grandchildren. When Grandma and Grandpa do not live next door, you will love the chance to see,and talk with their grandchildren on a web cam. Most Web cam today have a built-in microphone and can be optimized come to be used with Windows Messenger or other instant messaging system. The prices (on Amazon) varies from less than $ 30 to almost $ 300, there is a camera for every pocket.

I remember that while some older people may be able and willing to install their cameras themselves and discover how they depend for their use, others can draw on government support. Even with the installation and a couple of hours, asPart of the donation in the latter case.

A web-cam means Peace of Mind

A camera wireless network could save the day, in special circumstances. For example, Panasonic BL-C131A Network Camera Wireless 802.11 for a camera that allows you to control your pets, your property or if your children are not encouraged at home.

Point the camera anywhere, without a local PC. Then, click on a special website you can check the spaceany PC or Internet-equipped cell phone or PDA. You can also change the zoom of the camera indicates the direction and digital web browser. The camera has a built-in microphone, and a special night display mode.

Consider this application in case of an old camera lives alone and may be of poor health. If you've ever considered fell crying near his grandfather in him to be sure it's ok, you can appreciate the peace of mind this product can. WithGrandfather's permission, you can use the camera in his home and to access every time you were worried that she needed help, could say, a time when he was not responding to phone or e-mail messages.

In the vicinity of $ 300, the wireless camera is one of the most powerful of its kind available.

Instead of a web-cam, you can also develop in the quiet Care System, a health care system to be able to live independently elderly. This system uses a series of activities to learn SensorsThe normal activities of his grandfather in his home. If the system detects a change in the configuration, it notifies a call center or send an e-mail notification or a text message to a particular party.

Eyewear computer is a pain in the neck

If the computer-savvy senior in your life wear bifocals, tri-focal sunglasses or progressive lenses? These sunglasses are not optimized for viewing a computer monitor. When you wear glasses as the computer, the grandmother has her head tilted back so they can concentratethe screen when you are looking through the bottom of the lens. To put it mildly, this gives a big pain in the neck.

The good news is that they should not be so. Grandma is enjoying his computer so much more if you spring for a number of computer glasses prescription. Contact your friendly optician and ask for details. Be sure to ask the specialist eye care on glow-resistant lenses, very important for computer users.

Keep grandfatherLoop with a DVD player and Slide Show

If you want something really special for the oldest in the family is included, or perhaps continue to live in a nursing home? As the members of contact on a small portable DVD player and a special presentation of the disc family show? Extended family and ask for digital photos, old and new. Please complete your collection, they are transformed into a presentation with PowerPoint, Microsoft Plus! SuperPack for Windows XP or any other presentation software, and then burnon a DVD. (If you use PowerPoint, you will need the PowerPoint Viewer free DVD included).

Remember to add titles and captions with each picture, so Grandpa knows what he is watching. You can also shoot some video, edit them and send them on a video production that you can see the elder in the privacy of their room.

Portable DVD players range in price from $ 30 to several hundred dollars. You must be sure the car you can choose DVD + R / RW. Otherwise,It 'just disappointing not to play your home-recorded DVDs.

It could also be a pair of grandmother or grandfather's favorite movies with this gift. And, as the web-cam above, the senior could be a few instructions, like, how to use this gift

VoIP Central Affordable Long-Distance Calling Anywhere

Are members of the family in the four corners of the world to spread? In this case, make VoIP providers like Skype, Vonage and others, it remains possible for the elderlyin touch without worrying about phone bills are astronomical.

Give your senior a headset microphone (about $ 20), or perhaps a special phone for Skype. Make sure that the grandmother with the help of installation of the Skype software, which can be difficult. Assuming that all parties have a Skype account, you can talk to someone about my grandmother's, regardless of where they live, for free, with the microphone or the phone Skype. If you want someone to be with the phone to a landline,They buy a Skype credit or two costs about $ 14 each. Rates per minute, depending on location. For example, a Skype call from Canada to a fixed network in Italy costs about $ 8 for thirty minutes.

An iPod music, audiobooks, and news media Anywhere!

Consider the gift of music and news programs portable grandfather. With an iPod or other similar device, do not lose your orientation point for assessing their favorite program or other news, while around the footNeighborhood.

Audio books are extremely popular, if your senior has difficulty reading because of visual impairments. You can check by using a gift certificate from iTunes or from a service such as Audible.com, for example, along with the media player. At Audible.com, you pay $ 7.49 for the first three months, then $ 14.95 thereafter. Their high you get downloaded the audio book a month, selected from the database with about 40,000 titles.

iTunes has many similar opportunitiesas movies, TV shows, music, audiobooks and podcasts. Make sure your senior, but in the world of podcasting, if not familiar with it.

Several other ideas have a TiVo (older people are tired of commercials, as they will), or perhaps a AirO2bic designed computer mouse, a device for use with arthritic hands.

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